Tahoe Forest Children's Center

About Us

The Tahoe Forest Children's Children’s Center was renewed as a 5 Star Quality Child Care Center in June 2013.

It s the only center in Nevada County to have both their Infant/Toddler and Preschool rooms rated at 5 Stars by the Nevada County Child Care Coordinating Council through the Nevada County Superintendent of Schools. The center proudly displays its certificate of 5 Stars as a Quality Child Care Program and strives daily to exceed those standards.

Marcia Westbook of the Quality Child Care Initiative wrote in her letter of recognition, “It is clear that a great deal of effort goes into preparation of a successful program, and that the children placed in your care clearly benefit from your commitment to quality. Thank you again for all your efforts to create and maintain a quality environment!”

It takes teamwork to coordinate care for over 100 children and exceed the quality requirements for the nationally known quality measurements in the environmental rating scale. The child care team works daily to provide quality of care for each child. They also understand how quality of child care affects patient care and want TFHS employees to be at their best while serving patients of Tahoe Forest Health System.